"Deliver Me" is a reality show on Discovery Health channel featuring the practice of three young women OB/GYNs in California. The show has a catchy theme song; the docs are attractive and articulate - what's not to like?
Well, I have seen episodes where, without even a trial of labor, the doc pushed moms to elective C-sections because they thought the baby was too big. This was a normal pregnancy, not one with disorders such as gestational diabetes where the babies are larger than normal. I've seen the doctors discourage unmedicated labors in women who expressed the desire for them. In other words, these docs are going to give you what the medical establishment hands out, not any kind of normal/natural birth experience.
Every single laboring mom is on her back like an upside-down turtle with the legs in the air to deliver; very convenient for the doc, but the worst possible position for pushing a baby out.
I feel like the attractiveness and personability of the doctors helps sell the idea that birth is too painful to be endured, and that IVs, epidurals, and elective c-sections are necessary.
I would like to see these doctors overcome their medical training and put the women first, not the technology. These doctors perpetuate the belief system that women's bodies are defective, and fundamentally unable to birth normally, without all the hospital interventions.
It would do these doctors a lot of good to observe midwife-attended births in order to learn what normal birth looks like.
Monday, July 13, 2009
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